Monday, July 2, 2007

Moneylegs, GPAssociates and

In this podcast, I want to tell you about Moneylegs, GPAssociates and Edward Moneylegs is a system that has great free training courses on setting up and running your internet businesses. There are 10 free training courses in all. The courses cover the basics of using your computer, setting up your email accounts, setting up your browser for efficiency and showing you how to surf in groups using tab browsing and much more.

Moneylegs is free to join and free members can earn up to 10% commission. When you are ready, you can upgrade to a Senior Level Member for a one time lifetime cost of just $49.95. Senior members can earn up to 25% commission and can start building their 3x3 matrix. Once the matrix is full you get a free executive membership in our flagship program SEOsquid for a whole year. That is a value of over $900 and you can earn commission and profit sharing from this business also.

GPAssociates is my main business name. GPAssociates is focused on internet marketing and teaching people how to do business on the internet. We offer training, mentoring and help with your business plans. As you can see, this fits in very nicely with the benefits and services offered by Moneylegs and its family of programs. Additionally, I have income streams with Adsense, Health and Wellness, Communications, and Hosting.

Edward is my domain. It is my way of branding my name and my business. I use this domain to host several websites for splash pages, lead capture pages and other information pages on my businesses. Branding is extremely important in any business, the internet businesses are no different. I highly recommend you do this for your business immediately. You can get a domain name at Great

Until next time my friends, happy podcasting.

Edward Pena for Moneylegs, GPAssociates and Edward

Download My Podcast

Thursday, June 21, 2007

My First Podcast

Hello my friends,

Following is the link for my first podcast. I hope you enjoy the podcast and will subscribe to future podcasts.

My First Podcast

My First Podcast

Sunday, May 27, 2007


I just setup this new site on podcasting because I recently saw on television that it seems people are using their iPods to send videos and audio to each other. Following is an excerpt from my site.

Podcasting is audio content, such as a MP3 Player, that is sent over a RSS feed. It is a file that is downloadable for use over the internet. The name is misleading though, as it infers that you must have an iPod to use it. You only need a computer or laptop to access podcasts. This process is fairly new, becoming popular in 2000. Technology allowed it to be used by multiple components as early as 2001. However, it wasn’t until 2003 that podcasting became very popular on everyday websites. Now in 2007 it has become very common place to do this all the time.

The process of podcasting is very simple. Computer files in multimedia format are downloaded to a server. The customer can then download them in a matter of seconds from the server onto their own system. It allows the user to see the audio and have sound at the same time. Downloading can be frustrating for users who don’t have the proper bandwidth to view them. This can be easier fixed by downloading software online or having a computer installer do it for you at a reasonable cost. Basically, the faster your connection, the better you will be able to view podcasts.

To read the rest of the article please visit my site at: Podcasting

About the Author

Edward Pena is an internet marketing consultant who loves to help people learn how to make money on the worldwide web. He runs an informational website to help people make informed decisions about internet marketing. His sites offer free articles on many topics and products. To take advantage of all this cool stuff and more, be sure to check out Ed’s site.